We firmly believe that every individual is different with distinct interest, abilities and skills which can be polished under proper counselling and guidance. Counsellors of our company are expert in choosing the right country that suits your profile from the complexities of the country mix. Our team provides complete information about visa processing, financial matters and give accurate, genuine, ethical, professional and honest advice of the entire process of admissions & visa formalities. As each case is different so, our counsellors gives time to each individual separately and with a proper detailed guidance as well. This all leads to high visa chances.
Did you know that Indian residents may be eligible for different countries for immigration programs? Our unique Visa assessment system evaluates your eligibility across all of them. Kick start your international career with Visa Valley’s 15 years of experience behind you.
For our customer’s assistance there are two types of immigration assessments available, which include:
Unquestionably, we will provide our customer with a free assessment service. Opting for this service will let our clients know that he/she is eligible or not. Just with this, the free assessment service ends without informing any kind of details, that’s why are you not eligible and what measures can be taken so that you can be eligible.
On the flip side, if the client will pay $100 for the assessment then, our team will check your eligibility details in a written document and will let you know that you are eligible or not. Moreover, if you get eligible for that country and you want to proceed further for case filing from us than this $ 100 dollars we will adjust in the professional fee we will charge from our client.
Paid assessment service is “win-win situation” for Client. In this service we will do a detailed assessment of your case!!
This service is faster than the other one. If you are eligible then you can continue with us and if you are not eligible then you can save your time, money and efforts as well by not applying for the visa that won’t be approved. Apart from this, we will also give you details information about why you are not eligible and what you need to do so that you will be eligible in future. And this will be a detailed written report.
As earlier mentioned that if you are eligible and interested to apply through us then this assessment fees will be adjusted in the professional fees. So you will not lose anything.
All you have to do is just pick up the phone and call us at +91 9646002784 or drop into our office and together we will find the best International education or Migration opportunities that fits your profile.
To be very frank “NOTHING IN LIFE COMES FREE”, so be careful while choosing your consultant and make sure that he/she is honest, professional and registered.
It is completely a myth that registered agents charge more. In fact the reality is that the agents that are not registered charges huge amount from clients by saying that their file will be processed by MARA agent from Australia and you need to pay extra fee for MARA Agent.
To check whether your agent is registered or not kindly visit Australian Government website www.mara.gov.au.